Jungle Safari is the most exciting and thrilling experience that each and every person likes to live at least once in their lifetime. But there are certain points to keep in mind while planning for a Safari to make it more fun and safe. Sundarban Trip is no exception.
Preparing beforehand is a must whether it be your 1st expedition or the 21st. The planning about booking beforehand, packing sufficiently and briefly, wearing proper clothes, preparing for the unexpected, to maintaining one’s safety and welfare inside the park, everything needs to be perfectly planned for a memorable time inside the jungle. Thus, we have come with few essential safari tips that will let you have the most amazing time inside the world’s biodiversity hot spots teaming with exotic flora, fauna, and avifauna

The Whiskered Tern is a small, tubby marsh tern with a slightly forked tail. The Whiskered Tern in breeding plumage has a black crown and white cheeks and sides of neck. The upperparts, upperwings and tail are medium grey, the underparts dark grey to slate grey and the undertail is white with the underwings mainly white. The eye is brown and the bill and legs are red. The sexes are similar. Non-breeding Whiskered Terns are similar to breeding adults except the underparts are white, the forehead is white and the dark crown is streaked white. The lores (area between bill and eyes) and ear coverts are black while the bill and legs are also blackish. Young birds have a pale grey back, rump and upper wings, heavily mottled medium-brownish grey, especially along leading edge of inner wing, and the tail is pale grey, edged black. The Whiskered Tern is also known as the Marsh Tern or Black-fronted Tern